Petr Gorčík Apps

PhotoWithComment 1.0
Petr Gorčík
Make photos with comments, edit, share,save.All in one app. Possibility of use is really huge.
Train 0.0.4
Petr Gorčík
Funny game for everyone. Collect wagonsandmaximizes the score. Swipe your finger across the screen inthedesired direction to change direction of the train.
Balící hlášky 1.3
Petr Gorčík
Pick-up lines in Czech.
Vtipy Chuck Norris 1.1
Petr Gorčík
Vtipy Chuck Norris v českém jazyce.Jokes Chuck Norris intheCzech language.
Investor 1.0
Petr Gorčík
It is easy body. Buy low and sell high. Onedayyou will be a successful investor. In this game you can buyoil,gold, bonds or stocks. Game contains special algorithm forcreatingprices. It is just game, you dont use real money andprices arefictitious .